Operational: The connector is connected to the AMP cloud and the system is protected.
Alert: The connector has encountered an error and is not operating correctly. Protection is off and action is required.
Offline: The Connector is disconnected from the AMP cloud. Protection is limited to the offline engine.
Scanning: A scan is in progress.
How do I access AMP Settings and Information?
The event details will show below
How do I see what files AMP has remediated?
Click on the Event Type drop down
Select Detection
Detection monitors a network or system for malicious activity or policy violation.
How do I check the status of the updates on AMP?
Click on the Event Type drop down
Select Update
Update logs show new, improved, or fixed software, which replaces older versions of the same software.
Updates are often provided by the software publisher free of additional charge.
How do I find the status of previous or ongoing scans?
Click on the Event Type drop down
Select Scans
Scans show all the activities performed during flask, full or custom scan
It provides the date time and details of the each event
Is my Cisco AMP version up-to date?
Click on the Scan icon
Scan provides you with different options to scan your system: Flash (quick) scan, Full Scan, and Custom Scan
Choose the your preferred scan option.
How can I find out the version of my Cisco AMP?
Click on the About icon
The About dashboard provides the information for the Cisco AMP version.