Users may send messages to the lists directly (use the email address shown on the tables below). The moderator will review the content for appropriateness and approve or deny the message.
All student, faculty, and staff lists will be moderated by offices most closely related to those constituents.
The offices responsible for list moderation are shown below.
You must use a university email account to post to these lists (email domain of You cannot use email addresses from other providers (i.e.
Email attachments may not be sent to these email lists. Either link to a webpage, MicroSoft One Drive file (instructions), or Google Drive file (instructions).
Do not add a list address to your contact list or address book.
Email lists may not be used for personal or commercial gain. Information sent to these lists must be related to the group being emailed and pertain to University business (see UW System Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy).
The Announcements list may only be used for university event announcements and will be moderated.
Students are not included in the Announcements list.
Users may still opt out of the Announcements list.
To report or search for lost or found, visit Titan Central (920-424-1234 or
The Discussions email list may be used to discuss and debate current issues and topics of interest to the university community.
Users may still opt out of the Discussions list.
Please keep the discussion and debate civil.
Please contact the UW Oshkosh Service Desk (920-424-3020 or with any questions or concerns.
Chancellors Office:(920) 424-0200 or Human Resources Office (HR):(920) 424-1166 or University Marketing and Communications Office (UMC):(920) 424-2442 or VC for Student Affairs Office:(920) 424-4000 or Another option to send out upcoming event information to students is to send the information to The Student Affairs office will review and add your event information to an email that is sent to all students each weekday. This email will have the subject line, 'Campus Events & Announcements' and allows students to receive one email with information about multiple events, instead of receiving many emails. To reduce the number of separate emails being sent to students, the moderator for the student email lists reserves the right to add event information from your email into the weekly Campus Events & Announcements email as described above. Provost / VC for Academic Affairs Office:(920) 424-0300 or Fond du Lac Campus:For Student Lists: (920) 929-1122 or Fox Valley Campus:(920) 832-2620 or |
The following lists are for employees and students located on all of the UWO campuses.
Email Address | Moderator | Purpose |
UMC | sending university event information to employees at both campuses (some employees may have opted out of getting these emails) | |
UMC | official university forum for employees of both campuses to discuss and debate current issues and topics of interest to the university community (some employees may have opted out of getting these emails) | |
Stu Affairs | official university communication to all students at both campuses | |
HR | official university communication to LTEs (limited term employees) at both UW Oshkosh campuses | |
UMC | official university communication to all employees (all classifications) at both campuses | |
Provost | official university communication to faculty (not instructional academic staff) at both campuses | |
Provost | official university communication to graduate assistants (as employee) at the Oshkosh campus | |
Provost | official university communication to instructional academic staff at both campuses | |
HR | official university communication to non-instructional academic staff at both campuses | |
HR | official university communication to university staff (not LTEs) at both campuses | |
Stu Affairs | official university communication to undergraduate students at the Oshkosh campus | |
Stu Affairs | official university communication to students with freshman status at the Oshkosh campus | |
Stu Affairs | official university communication to students with sophomore status at the Oshkosh campus | |
Stu Affairs | official university communication to students with junior status at the Oshkosh campus | |
Stu Affairs | official university communication to students with senior status at the Oshkosh campus | |
Stu Affairs | official university communication to graduate students at the Oshkosh campus | |
FDL | official university communication to students continuing under the FDL Plan | |
FOX | official university communication to all employees at the Fox Cities campus | |
FOX | official university communication to non-instructional academic staff at the Fox Cities campus | |
FOX | official university communication to faculty (not instructional academic staff) at the Fox Cities campus | |
FOX | official university communication to instructional academic staff at the Fox Cities campus | |
FOX | official university communication to university staff at the Fox Cities campus | |
FOX | official university communication to all undergraduate students at the Fox Cities campus | |
FOX | official university communication to students with freshman status at the Fox Cities campus | |
FOX | official university communication to students with sophomore status at the Fox Cities campus | |
FOX | official university communication to students with junior status at the Fox Cities campus | |
FOX | official university communication to students with senior status at the Fox Cities campus |