Duo - FAQ - Troubleshooting

Sign back into Duo Device Management Portal: https://netid.uwosh.edu/duo

Not all applications support the Duo windows/iframe. When authenticating to such as system, login as you would normally, but append the Duo passcode to your NetID password with a comma and no space, as shown in image below. Push notifications may or may not work for these applications.

NOTE: The following list of applications are known to be affected by this behavior: 

  • Imagenow

  • Peoplesoft

  • Campus VPN

Contact the IT Help Desk to request a bypass code (this is good for 12 hours).   We must go through the Identity Proofing  process before we can provide you with a bypass code. 

Yes, you will need to visit Clow C010 and pick up a fob. You can also configure the phone app at the same time.

Yes, you can add the UWO account to the app.