Quick overview of Dates - Canvas

Quick overview of Dates - Canvas

Set nothing, (no start date or end date, no restriction checkboxes)

  • The course will be open to students when Term date begins (but the course would have to be published for students to see the content)

  • If the class ends before the end of Term students in the course would still be able to access the course until the Term ends.

  • After the Term is over the course moves into a “Previous Enrollments” section and students who were enrolled in the course would still have access to it but would not be able to submit materials.

  • Students cannot “Star” the course to make a "Past Enrollment" course appear on the Dashboard.

Set the Start date (within the current Term, no restriction checkboxes)

  • The students will be able to access the course if the course is set to “Publish”. 

  • Students would be able to submit any "Published" non dated assignments if the course is set to "Publish".

Set the Start Date (within the current Term) and select the checkbox: "Restrict Students from viewing the course before the start date"

  • The course will be accessible to enrolled student.

  • Students can access course content thats published

If you set the End Date (before the term end date) without selecting the checkbox: "Students can only participate in the course between dates"

  • The course will be accessible to enrolled student.

  • Students can access content that is published and can submit materials until the term date has passed

If you set the Start or End Dates (within the Term) and select the checkbox: "Students can only participate in the course between these dates"

  • Course will be read only for students

  • Students will NOT be able to submit materials

  • Students can view content and download documents that are published

After Term is over, and select the checkbox: "Restrict Students from viewing this course after the end date"

  • The course content will not be accessible to students after the end date

  • Students will not see the course listed under their “Previous Enrollments” section

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