Limit Users Ability to Interact With only Their own Section - Canvas

Limit Users Ability to Interact With only Their own Section - Canvas

FERPA Considerations with combined or cross-listed courses in Canvas

When cross-listing multiple sections into one Canvas course students can view information about the students from the cross-listed sections. This creates a FERPA problem. Course combinations that come in cross-listed automatically from TitanWeb do not create a FERPA concern. If courses are going to be combined out of convenience (rather than a pedagogical reason) you must:

  • Limit Users to only interact with others in their own course section

Limit Users ability to interact only with their section

  • Select the "People" tool (1) in your course navigation

  • Navigate to the students details page by 

    • Click on the name of the student (2) to open a side panel. 

    • Click on the students name again to get to their detail page (3) 

  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and look under Memberships. 

  • On the Privileges section, click on limit this user to only see fellow section users.


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