Microsoft Authenticator - Enrollment for Employees

Microsoft Authenticator - Enrollment for Employees

  1. There are two ways to start this process, we recommend completing this starting on your computer.

    1. You may be prompted to set up Microsoft Authenticator when signing into Outlook. Click Next.


    2. You can opt in through Security Info on your Microsoft Account.

      1. Go to https://mysignins.microsoft.com/security-info, and sign in using your email credentials and duo MFA.

      2. Select Add sign-in method.

  2. From the Choose a method dropdown select Authenticator App.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Install the Microsoft Authenticator App on your smart phone or tablet

    1. Android: Microsoft Authenticator - Apps on Google Play

    2. iOS/iPadOS: ‎Microsoft Authenticator

  5. On your computer, click Next.

  6. Click Next again. You should see a QR code on the computer screen.

  7. On your smart phone or tablet, open the Authenticator app.

    1. Click Accept then Continue.

    2. Select Scan a QR Code.

    3. Allow access to your camera if prompted.

    4. Use your smart phone or tablet to scan the QR code from the prompt on your web browser.

    5. Once completed, you should see your UW Oshkosh email address, netid@uwosh.edu, listed in the Microsoft Authenticator app on your smart phone or tablet.

  8. In your web browser on the computer click Next. You will be prompted to run a test to ensure MFA is working.

    1. On your screen you will see a number displayed in the prompt.

    2. On your smart phone or tablet you will receive a push notification.

    3. When you open the push notification, you will see a prompt with a text box and number pad to match the number on screen.

    4. Enter the number from the sign-in prompt on screen, and tap Yes to approve the sign in.