Requesting Administrative Privileges

Requesting Administrative Privileges

Campus Computer Safety

In order to meet UW System Information Security Policy, the default computer setup does not provide the user with local administrator privileges. This prevents the user from installing software or printers on their own. This should not be a problem for most users, since each computer has a software center from which they can install campus software and printers.

Requesting an Exception to have Local Administrator Privileges

Information Technology acknowledges that there may be specific job tasks or research activities that do require local administrator privileges. To request an exception, allowing you to retain local administrator privileges, please email the Service Desk (itservicedesk@uwosh.edu) with your computer number(s) and the specific software you are using that requires administrative privileges to work.

NOTE: The exception will need to be renewed annually and your computer will need to be available for review by campus and UW System auditors upon request.

Information on Software Centers

MSC for Apple Computers

SCCM for HP Computers

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