What is my NetID username?

What is my NetID username?

Student NetID Username Format

For accounts created after January 4, 2021

Username will follow this pattern:

  • first eight (8) letters of the last name

  • first two (2) letters of the first name

  • last two (2) digits of the campus ID number

For example: the student Jeff Johnson with an ID number of 0123456, will be johnsonje56.

Username will follow this pattern: 

  • first five (5) letters of the last name 

  • first letter of the first name 

  • last two (2) digits of the campus ID number

For example:  the student Indiana Jones with an ID number of 0001072, will be jonesi72

Employee NetIDs (Staff & Faculty)

In the vast majority of cases the employee username will be:

  • first twelve (12) letters of the last name

  • first letter of the first name 

For example:  the faculty or staff member Jason Anderson will be andersonj

Student Employee NetIDs

In the vast majority of cases, the employee username will be: 

  • the word staff and a period

  • the typical NetID

Looking up your NetID in the online directory:

Some users may be able to look up their NetID information in the online directory. However, under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy act, students may request the nondisclosure of directory information. This means that the search may not reveal the names of select students. 

  1. Navigate to the UW Oshkosh Online Directory

  2. Type in your last name

  3. Select Search

  4. Find your name

    • By default, the first 10 alphabetical results will show with the option to show more or go through them all

    • Refine the search by adding your first name 

  5. The NetID username is the first part of the email address before the @uwosh.edu

Not sure if your account has been created yet? 

For Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees

Accounts will automatically be created 1-2 business days after employee paperwork has been processed in Human Resources. HR can be reached at 920-424-1166. 

For Students

Student accounts are automatically created after their paid deposit has been processed in Admissions. The Admissions Office can be reached at 920-424-0416.

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