Off Campus Computer Login Password Reset (NetID)
To Change Your Password:
Log into Palo Alto Global Protect VPN Client.
If this application is not installed on your computer contact the IT Service Desk,
Click Ctrl + Alt + Delete on the keyboard.
Select Change a Password.
Type in the current password, the new password, and confirm the new password.
Check to make sure the change worked by logging into TitanWeb or Canvas.
To fix their changed password if the user does not remember their old one: Have them come to campus and connect to campus ethernet or wireless.
If coming to campus isn't feasible:
Create a ticket for Device Support. Make sure to get the UWOID tag number of the computer.
Provide LAPS account credentials to the user.
Have the user sign in with LAPS creds and set up a Teamviewer Service Queue Session.
Install VPN if not already installed.
Sign into VPN.
Refresh the LAPS Password so it changes.
In the LAPS UI: Change the expiration time to now and click Set.
On the user's computer: open command prompt and run gpupdate (DO NOT use /force /boot /sync)
In the LAPS UI: Click search and make sure the password changed. Repeat this step until the password change is confirmed.
On the user's computer, in file explorer navigate to the filepath for Google Chrome. Something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application.
Shift and right click on chrome.exe.
Select Run as different user.
Have the user type in their username and new password.
Log out of the LAPS account, have the user log in with their updated credentials.
To Change Your Password:
Install the Palo Alto Global Protect VPN Client from Managed Software Center and log into it.
Open the Apple Menu, then System Preferences.
Select Users and Groups, click on your account, select Change Password...
Type in the current password, new password, and confirm the new password.
Check to make sure the change worked by logging into TitanWeb or Canvas.
To fix their changed password if not done as suggested: Have them come to campus and connect to campus ethernet or wireless.
If that isn't feasible:
Create a ticket for Device Support. Make sure to get the UWOID tag number of the computer.
The computer will need to have TeamViewer Host installed, this can be done by Endpoint Administration.
Connect to the computer via TeamViewer.
Sign in with the itadmin credentials.
Sign into VPN.
Open Terminal.
Run the following command to check for the account. In all following terminal commands, replace <username> with the user's netID: sudo dscl . -list /Users AuthenticationAuthority | grep <username> | awk '{print $1}'
Delete the account: sudo dscl . -delete /Users/<username>
Re-create the account: sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/ -P -D -v -n <username>
Log out of itadmin. Have the user sign in on the login screen to confirm the change applied.