NetID Login Information

NetID Login Information

The NetID is a way for current students and staff or retired faculty or staff to log into computers on campus, as well as for gaining access to a number of other campus systems. Before logging in, please read the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources policy.

A few of the systems that use NetID are:

First Time Logging In:

Before logging in with your NetID for the first time, you must activate/change your password before you can log into any systems with your NetID.

NetID Activation/Change Password

You can change your password one of two ways:

  • Through the website portal.office.com

  • Directly from a campus computer at the Login Screen (Ctrl+Alt+Delete)

From the Web

Follow the First Time Activation instructions.

From the Login Screen on a campus computer

  1. Select CTRL+ALT+Delete on your keyboard

  2. Enter your NetID username do not include the @uwosh.edu

  3. Enter your 7-digit ID number as the current password

  4. Click the arrow to the right

  5. A message will come up that says you must change your password

  6. Click the arrow or press the enter key.

  7. A new window will open that gives you a box 3rd box to enter your new password (remember your current password is your 7 digit campus ID number)

  8. Remember to verify that you're meeting all the requirements on the right

  9. Re-enter the new password again

  10. Click the arrow or press the enter key. It should say changing password and then log you into the computer

Forgot NetID Password

If you have previously logged into your NetID and have forgotten your password, use this link to recover it. 

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