Campus Vision - Installation Request

Campus Vision - Installation Request

Use this document only if your department would like to install Campus Vision screens in your space. 

If you would like to post announcements on Campus Vision, please contact reevemarketing@uwosh.edu or umc@uwosh.edu


Think of Campus Vision as a sophisticated digital billboard system. It is a networked digital signage system capable of displaying video, graphic, and text-based content to many screens, which can be located anywhere on the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh campuses.

The system allows Student Organizations and University Departments to create and upload messages containing video and still graphics and allows the ability to display them by time of day (ex. 12-2pm), date range (ex. March 9th-April 5th) and building name (ex. Reeve, SRWC, Dempsey, etc). 

System Design

The backbone of the Campus Vision system is a technology called SignageSuite  The SignageSuite system at UW Oshkosh includes one central Server that hosts all the playlists, schedules, and content, Player PCs and digital displays. There is usually one Player PC per building or department, which feeds video to all the screens in that building or department. We also use a cable channel (75.1) to display content in public areas.

Overview of the Campus Vision Request Procedure

  1. Your department rep creates a Digital Signage Request in the IT Service Portal or contacts the IT Service Desk at 424-3020 or itservicedesk@uwosh.edu, mentions that it’s a request for Campus Vision, and provides the following information:

    • What is the proposed screen location? - if the location is in a public space, this may be turned into a project request through Facilities Management

    • Is there power and a data and/or cable jack at the proposed screen location?

    • What is the desired screen size? (55” has been the standard)

    • Does your department want to display its own content or just have the Campus content displayed?

    • Does your department have a budget for this request?

  2. Once information is gathered and assessed, quotes will be provided to the department. It is the departments responsibility to purchase all equipment and notify the Service Desk when it arrives in order to coordinate installation.

  3. Prior to installation, any power, data, or cable that is needed in the screen installation location will need to be coordinated with Facilities Management for power and IT Networking for data/cable.

  4. Once equipment has been reviewed/set up by IT, a work order will need to be placed with Facilities Management to hang the wall mount and screen. Once that is complete, IT will finish the install and provide training to staff that would be posting content.

Please note: If a player PC and license is purchased to display departmental content, there is an annual Software Maintenance Agreement cost that is to be covered by the department. This cost is generally around $180 per player annually. 


Campus Vision is powered by a technology called SignageSuite, manufactured by Visix. It was selected as our digital signage system based on the following factors: 

  • Easy to use, web-based user interface, for uploading and scheduling content.

  • No costly software to install on client (department) computers. Content contributor user experience is entirely web-based.

  • Customizable screen template, which allows UW Oshkosh to brand the system with our own school colors and themes

  • Support for almost every type of still graphic file format, video file format

  • No requirement to purchase additional News, Weather, etc content from Visix. Some providers force this on the buyer.

  • Can interface with existing EMS (Event Management and Scheduling Systems) in place in Reeve and elsewhere on campus.

  • Support to import RSS and graphics from the web automatically.

  • Free weather content support.

Your department schedules messages by logging-in to the Campus Vision Server via a website.

If your department wants it’s own content and player, your department will be responsible for the license cost (one time) and the cost of your department’s Software Maintenance Agreement (annual fee).

Each new building or department that we bring online that wants area specific content requires at least:

  • 1 – Player PC (Dell Mini PC is preferred)

  • 1 – Digital Display (55” Commercial Grade TV with scheduling capabilities has been the standard)

  • 1 – Signal Distribution System (if PC is located in a data closet)

  • Any cabling needed (HDMI, VGA, etc.)

  • Any work orders related to installing the screen, data, and/or power.

If an area wants just a display with the Campus playlist on the cable channel, the department needs at least:

  • 1 - Digital Display (55” Commercial Grade TV with scheduling capabilities has been the standard)

  • Any cabling needed (Coax)

  • Any work orders related to installing the screen, cable jack, and/or power

Your department is responsible for purchasing all hardware.

Costs vary and depend on vendor pricing as well as which installation method is necessary in the area/office in question. A cable channel installation with a new screen costs roughly around $1,500 with work orders and equipment while a Player PC and screen install could cost anywhere from $3,500 to $4,300 depending on location of the player PC and work order needs for power and Ethernet.

  • AC Power, PC Sleeves, Screen Mounts, and Screens – Facilities Management

  • Data and Cable jacks - Telecommunications

  • Player PC - AV Support

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