Enter DataStore Selection Criteria for Admissions CRM - Titan Admin
The DataStore is a set of tables where information is gathered and formatted before it is written to extract files so it can be loaded into other systems. It will supposedly require less effort to develop extracts to meet the requirements of different systems using the DataStore than it would to obtain the information directly from the source tables.
Establish the usage codes for name, phone, email and address.
Establish the test selection values. -- [Link for document 61865 is unavailable at this time]
Establish the contact selection values. -- [Link for document 70179 is unavailable at this time]
Navigate to Main Menu > UWO DataStore > CRM Extracts > DataStore Criteria - CRM
Use the search dialog to pick the DataStore Selection Criteria code. -- [Link for document 57353 is unavailable at this time]
Enter a Description for each set of criteria. You can use this as a reminder for why you enter different sets of criteria.
Enter the From Admit Term and To Admit Term. Applicants who have an admit term in this range will be included in the extract.
Enter the From HS Graduate Date and To HS Graduation Date. Prospects who have a high school graduation date in this range will be included in the extract. Each person will only be included once in the extract, even if they qualify as both an applicant and a prospect.
Enter the Name Usage, Phone 1 Usage, Phone 2 Usage, Email 1 Usage, Email 2 Usage and Address Usage. These usage codes control what types of name, phone number, email and address are put in the DataStore. Each usage code has been assigned a list of types and the first type in the list of the types a student has is the one that is stored.
Enter the Test Selection code to determine which tests and scores will be included in the test score extract files. One file will be created for each type of test.
Enter the Contact Selection code to which contact information will be included in the external organization extract file.
Enter the FTP Application that will transfer the extract files to the appropriate location. Type zdsj002a_01 to transfer the files to S:\Exchange_Data\Admissions_CRM\.
Subsequent Activity
Run the process to create the extract files. -- [Link for document 70192 is unavailable at this time]