Access for Instructors - Titan Web

Access for Instructors - Titan Web

What does the Instructor see?

  • Class Rosters

  • Grade Rosters

The Faculty Center looks like this:

Instructor Role Troubleshooting

Sometimes there is a faculty or instructional academic staff member who teaches classes but has one of the following issues:

The instructor is not assigned in PeopleSoft to teach a class. In this case, the instructor should contact their departmental assistant and ask that the person assign them to a class. After the assistant assigns the instructor to the class, an account will be created when the USER PROFILE (account creation) process next runs. This process runs every night.

Instructor is not assigned to teach a class in PeopleSoft. In this case, the instructor should contact their departmental assistant and ask that the person assign them to a class. After the assistant assigns the person to the class, an account will be created when the USER PROFILE (account creation) process next runs. This process runs every night. (Instructor might have an account because they were a student here at one time or they are an advisor.) 

Instructor should contact their departmental assistant and ask that the person attach him or her to all of their classes. The additional classes will show up on the instructor's Titan Web Faculty Center as soon as they are attached. No process has to run. 

Instructor needs to contact the Registrar's Office (x1199) to find out when the roster will be generated. Grade rosters will not show up until the Records Office generates them. 

  1. Click on Self Service

  2. Click on Faculty Center


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