Move files from My Drive to Shared Drives - Google Drive

Move individual files from My Drive to Shared Drives:

Option #1

  1. Navigate to

  2. Select file(s) within "My Drive"

  3. Drag files(s) from "My Drive" to the folder within "Shared Drives"

Option #2

  • Navigate to

  • Select file(s) within "My Drive"

  • Right-click and select "Move to..."

  • Navigate to destination folder within "Shared Drives"

  • Click "Move"

Move entire folders from My Drive to Shared Drives:

The content owner should contact the Helpdesk and submit a request to have an system administrator migrate the content from a Google Drive and Shared Drives.


  • Do not move content between Shared Drives and other folders or domains unless necessary since permission conflicts can occur.

  • You cannot move shared content from another domain to My Drive. 

  • Moving files changes ownership to the Shared Drives. 

  • Any content owned by someone in a different domain is not moved. The content remains in the original My Drive location. 

  • Migrating folders creates a copy of the folder structure in the destination Shared Drives. Users should update any direct links to point to the new Shared Drives folders.

  • Note: While permissions explicitly granted on individual files will be preserved, any permissions granted on (or inherited from) folders are not copied.

  • Moved files remain in the user's Shared with me and Recent locations.

  • Files are removed from any other Drive location (such as My Drive) when moved to a Shared Drive.

  • If a super admin moves content to a Shared Drive, any hidden files are also moved and visible to all Shared Drive members. 

  • File permissions and links are not changed. People who are not Shared Drive members can still access the file with previously granted permission.