Subscription Information - Mailing Lists

Subscription Information - Mailing Lists

Subscribing to a list

  1. Go to the index of mailing lists (for unadvertised lists, go to the index and add a / (slash) followed by the list name to the URL)

  2. Enter your email address and choose a password

  3. Click Subscribe to begin the subscription process

  4. After a few minutes, check your inbox for a confirmation email

  5. Reply to the email, leaving the subject and body exactly as they were in the original message

Depending on the list settings, your subscription may or may not have to be approved by the administrator. You also may receive a welcome message containing any information the list administrator has entered, along with your password and the URL to the list information page.

Editing subscription options

  1. Go to the index of mailing lists (for unadvertised lists, go to the index and add a / (slash) followed by the list name to the URL)

  2. Enter your email address next to the Unsubscribe or edit options button

  3. Click the Unsubscribe or edit options button

  4. Type in your password at the top
    Note:  If you forgot your password you can click on the Remind button at the bottom of the window to have it emailed to you

  5. Click login

From this page, you can change list delivery options, change your password, and unsubscribe from the list.

Unsubscribing from a list

  1. Go to the index of mailing lists (for unadvertised lists, go to the index and add a / (slash) followed by the list name to the URL)

  2. Navigate to the Subscribers area of the page

  3. Enter your email address next to the Unsubscribe or edit options button

  4. Click the Unsubscribe or edit options button

  5. Click the Unsubscribe button

Alternative Method

Subscription though Email Interface

You may also subscribe, unsubscribe, and change your list options using an E-Mail interface.  

  1. Send an e-mail to LISTNAME-request@lists.uwosh.edu (replacing LISTNAME with the name of the mailing list you want)

  2. In the subject or body of the message type the word "help" (the rest of the message should be blank)

  3. The system will respond with the available options and details for how to use them

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