Find Serial Number, Service Tag, Computer Name, or Asset Tag
In order to receive assistance quickly on computer issues, it is important to provide your UWOID/asset tag number, serial number/service tag number, or computer name when contacting support.
Serial Number or Service Tag Number
Every computer on campus has a serial number or service tag number. These are usually between 7 and 12 alphanumeric characters.
Dell Desktop: service tag numbers are usually on the top or side of the desktop. They are 7 characters long
Dell Laptop: service tag numbers are on the bottom in the middle, newer laptops use the abbreviation ST for service tag.
HP Desktop Mini: serial numbers are on the bottom in the middle
HP Desktop (not mini): serial numbers are on the top near the back
HP Laptop: serial numbers are on the bottom or, if the laptop has a removable case, underneath the battery
Apple iMac: serial numbers are on the bottom of the stand
Apple Laptop: serial numbers are on the bottom near the hinge for the display
Computer Name
Windows 10 and Windows 11
To find your computer name from the login screen:
In the username field type .\
The computer name is below the password where it says Sign in to:
To find your computer name while logged into Windows:
Click the Start button in the lower left-hand corner.
Click Settings.
Click System.
Click About.
The menu will say "Device Name:" and the name of your computer.
To find your computer name on Mac from the login screen (not the lock screen):
Click the time once.
The computer name should pop up next to the battery information.
To find your computer name on Mac while signed in:
Open System Preferences. (System Settings on macOS releases 13 and later)