How to Schedule a Zoom Meeting
From Web Portal
Go to
Click on Sign in
Select UW Oshkosh from the drop down menu
Login using your NetID and password
If you are having issues signing into Zoom please contact the UW Oshkosh Service Desk at 920-424-3020 or email for assistance
Click Meetings, located under Personal on the left side of the screen
Click the Schedule a Meeting icon at the top of screen
Select the meeting options. Some of he options might not be available if they were disabled and locked to the off position at the account or group level
Topic - Meeting name
When - Date of meeting
Duration - Length of meeting
Check the box for Recurring Meeting under Time Zone, the meeting ID will remain the same for each session
Meeting ID - leave as Generate Automatically
Security - By default users will be in a waiting room and can only be admitted by the host
Host: Choose if you would like the hosts' video on or off when joining the meeting. Even, if you choose off, the host will have the option to start their video
Participants: Choose if you would like the participants' video on or off when joining the meeting. Even, if you choose off, the participant will have the option to start their video
Meeting Options - by default Mute participants upon entry will be checked
Alternative Hosts - enter email of another Zoom user who is licensed, on your account to allow them to start the meeting in your absence
Click Save to finish creating the session
Copy and paste the invite link into your email