Wireless - TitanWifi Connect & Forget

Wireless - TitanWifi Connect & Forget

1 Android | 2 iOS | 3 Mac | 4 Windows


Connect Android Device

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen

  2. Click on the Settings gear or press and hold the WiFi Icon. 

  3. Click on Connections if needed

  4. Click on Titan WiFi

  5. EAP Method: PEAP

  6. Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPv2

  7. For Android versions 10 and Below:

    1. CA Certificate: Do not validate

    2. Identity:  your NetID user name (with no @uwosh.edu after)

    3. Nothing in Anonymous identity

    4. Password: your NetID password

    5. Click Connect

  8. For Android versions 11 and above:

    1. CA Certificate: Use system certificates

    2. Online Certificate Status: Do not validate

    3. Domain: uwosh.edu

    4. Identity:  your NetID user name (with no @uwosh.edu after)

    5. Nothing in Anonymous identity

    6. Password: your NetID password

    7. Click Connect


Forget Connection - Android

  1. Swipe down from the top of the screen

  2. Click on the Settings gear

  3. Click on Connections if needed

  4. Click on Wi-Fi

  5. Click on Titan WiFi or Eduroam

  6. Click on Forget network


Connect iOS Device

  1. Click on the Settings button

  2. Click on Wi-Fi

  3. Click on Titan WiFi or eduroam

  4. For Titan WiFi: Type in your NetID user name and your NetID password

  5. For eduroam: Type in your full email address and your NetID password

  6. Click Join

  7. Click Trust to accept the certificate


Forget Connection - iOS

  1. Click on the Settings button

  2. Click on Titan WiFi or Eduroam

  3. Choose Forget This Network

  4. Click Forget


Connect Mac

  1. Click on the Wifi icon in the top right of the screen

  2. Click on Titan WiFi

  3. Type in your NetID Username

  4. Type in your NetID Password

  5. Click Join

Forget Connection - Mac

  1. Click on the WiFi icon in the top right of the screen

  2. Click on Open Network Preferences...

  3. Click on Wi-Fi on the left of the screen

  4. Click on Advanced...

  5. Under Preferred Networks click on Titan WiFi or Eduroam to select it

  6. Click on the minus ( - ) sign below the list of preferred networks

  7. Titan WiFi or Eduroam should not show under the Preferred Networks area

  8. Click OK


Connect Windows

  1. Click on the WiFi icon in task bar at the bottom right of the screen

  2. Click on Titan WiFi

  3. Click Connect

  4. You may be prompted to enter your NetID username and password, if not it should connect automatically.

Forget Connection - Windows

  1. Click on the WiFi icon in the task bar at the bottom right of the screen

  2. Click on Network settings

  3. Click Manage known networks

  4. Click on Titan WiFi or Eduroam

  5. Click Forget




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