Window Walker - Modifying Script Anchor Values

Window Walker - Modifying Script Anchor Values

At times, anchor values may need to be updated to accommodate changes made to the SIS system or browser. Anchor values should be chosen carefully, keeping in mind how the value’s placement will be affected by different types of students and values present in student records (e.g. Progress Indicators).

Modifying the Application Plan

  1. Open Perceptive Content and launch the Management Console.

  2. Select the Default department.

  3. Under Application Plans, select LearnMode.

  4. Find the Application Plan to edit, select the plan, and click Modify.

  5. Click the Map tab.

  6. Click on the first field with the value “to be set by script” and click the pencil to Edit.

  7. Next to the Script line, click the three dots to edit the script.

Modifying the Linking Script

The image below is an example of an existing application plan’s AppTreeGet linking script.


In the image above, you can see there is a window title of “View Financial Aid Status” and two values (studentName and studentID) that have anchor values of “label[Financial Aid Status]”. When that specific, unique anchor value is found, the Window Walker will do down (+) 14 lines to grab the [value] for the “studentName”, then down 17 lines for the studentID. To go up, you would use (-).

Troubleshooting the Anchor Value

To find what values might exist on a particular page:

  1. With the script open, navigate to the browser window that you’d like to inspect.

  2. Uncomment the “DEBOUT” line and ensure that the folder path to the “debout_0.txt” is available.

  3. Click Test and then search through the text file to find your value and the best anchor value near it.

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