How to Use Conference Now (Audio Bridge) - VoIP

How to Use Conference Now (Audio Bridge) - VoIP

With the new phone system, every line has its own conferencing bridge. This allows up to 10 attendees to call into your meeting. You can use any phone (including cell phones) to connect to the Conference Now service and access or host your meeting.

Important Notes:

  • You will need voicemail to use Conference Now, please contact the UW Oshkosh Service Desk at 920-424-3020 or itservicedesk@uwosh.edu to request voicemail to be added to your VoIP phone line.

  • If you change your PIN in Self Portal, this will also become your new voicemail PIN.

What is Cisco Conference Now?

With the new phone system, every line has its own conferencing bridge. This allows up to 10 attendees to call into your meeting. You can use any phone (including cell phones) to connect to the Conference Now service and access or host your meeting.

Before hosting an audio conference

  1. Create the Attendee Access Code. Open a web browser, go to Cisco Self Care Portal: https://cucm2.voip.uwosh.edu/ucmuser/

    1. Sign in with your NetID username and password

  2. Click the General tab

  3. Scroll down to the bottom

  4. Set the Attendees Access Code to ensure only people with this specific code can access your Conference Now session.

    1. The new Access code must be between 3 and 10 digits long. The Access Code can only contain numbers, it cannot contain spaces, letters, or special characters.

  5. You (the host) will need to provide this Attendee Access Code to your attendees prior to the Conference Now call.

Hosts using Conference Now

  1. Call the Conference Now service.

    1. 2420 For those on-campus or using Jabber.

    2. 920-424-2420 for attendees dialing in from off-campus.

  2. Enter the meeting number. This is your four-digit extension followed by the pound (#) key. Example: 3020#.

  3. Enter your host PIN (which is your voicemail PIN).

  4. Now you are connected to Conference Now and you are the host.

    1. Note: You will hear silence if no one else is connected to the call

  5. Attendees should hit the pound key (#) to bypass the host prompt. They will then be asked to enter the attendee access code. This is the same as the meeting number by default. If you want to set a custom attendee access code, please visit the Self Care Portal (https://cucm2.voip.uwosh.edu/ucmuser).

  6. Once logged in use the "General Settings" tab and click the "Conference Now" drop down menu.

Attendees using Conference Now

  1. Call the Conference Now service.

    1. 2420 For those on-campus or using Jabber.

    2. 920-424-2420 from off-campus.

  2. Enter the meeting number provided by the host.

  3. Attendees should hit the pound key (#) to bypass the host prompt. They will then be asked to enter the attendee access code that was provided by the host.

    1. Note: If you hear hold music, the host has not yet entered the meeting.

A Few Points to Remember

  1. When connecting as the host for Conference Now after you enter the PIN there is no voice prompt when creating the meeting. You will hear a tone when attendees join your meeting.

  2. Until the meeting host starts the meeting, the attendees will be held outside the meeting area.

  3. If a meeting host does not connect within 15 minutes, attendees will be dropped.

Sample Email for Host to send Attendees

Dear Conference Now Attendee,

I have setup an audio conference for us to use at our upcoming meeting (DATE/TIME). When connecting, please use the following instructions:

On-campus or using Jabber: Please dial 2420

Off-campus: Please dial 920-424-2420

When prompted, please enter the:

Meeting Number: ____

Attendees Access Code: _______


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