Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Student Printing
Gianna Goodermuth
Justin Schlueter
The Student Technology Fee Committee (STFC) is charged with prioritizing and recommending projects for disbursement of the Student Technology Fee. The Student Technology Fee (STF) is a tuition charge that provides students with adequate technology experiences through several objectives.
The ten dollars ($10.00) is allotted each Fall and Spring Semesters for printing. Five dollars ($5.00) is offered for Summer Session. These monies come from the Student Technology Fee (STF) that each student contributes to as part of their tuition. The allotments to students is the equitable distribution of printing funds from STF.
If all of the print monies are used for any given semester, additional printing is automatically charged to that user's Titan Dollars. All charges to Titan Dollars are given back to STF to subsidize the additional printing.
Funds previously spent on printer supplies and maintenance will remain in the STF pool to be spent on other student technology initiatives.
Students should be authorized to use department printers as part of their job. Student employees will not be charged for job-related printer from department printers. All jobs printed to lab printers are charged against the student's print allotment.
Have more questions? Please contact the Information Technology Service Desk at 920-424-3020 or