Adding Captions in Kaltura from External Sources

Adding Captions in Kaltura from External Sources

Kaltura video owners or co-editors can upload captions files which were created outside of Kaltura (manually created or created by a 3rd party vendor such as 3Play, for example).

A video owner or co-editor can upload externally-created captions files by following these steps:

  1. Go to Kaltura's "My Media"

    1. In Canvas, go to Canvas > Account > My Media

    2. In Mediaspace, go to Guest > Login, then [Your Name] > My Media.

  2. In My Media, select a video from your list of videos.

  3. In the drop-down menu below the preview of the video, click Actions > Edit.

  4. On the Edit screen, click the Captions tab, then Upload Captions File.

  5. Select a captions file from your computer. Common file formats include ".srt" and ".dxfp," and ".vtt."

  6. Enter the label text which will appear on the Captions menu in the video player: "English" or "Spanish," for example.

  7. Click Save.

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