JamfConnect Authenticated Logins on macOS
For fully remote employees who use macOS and require mailing of computer equipment vs campus pickup
In order to provide an option for fully remote employees who will not be on campus to pickup initial computer equipment, a license for the software JamfConnect can be pre-installed on macOS computers before mailing equipment to the employee. This installation can be done by members of the Device Services staff.
Remote User First-Time Login Procedure
When a remote user receives the University owned macOS computer, the following steps should be performed to login for the first time.
Steps for initial user login
Power On the computer. (Use of power cable for mobile devices is recommended to ensure no power interruption during initial login)
When the login window appears, connect the device to the wireless network by clicking on the Wi-Fi symbol in the upper right hand corner.
Click on the desired wireless network name in the list that will appear.
Click on the Join button to move on to the next step.
When prompted, type the wi-fi password for the network you are connecting to, and then click the Join button.
Type your NetID in the Sign In box, and click the Next button.
Type your NetID Password in the Sign In box, and click the Sign In button.
The login window will now prompt the user for a multi-factor authentication prompt. Once accepted, the user will be logged in for the first time.
After a short wait, the initial login will be complete, and the usual desktop will appear. Subsequent logins will take much less time and effort, however users should be prepared to provide for multi-factor authentication prompts whenever logging in to the computer and connected to the internet.
Subsequent Logins without active internet connection
JamfConnect permits users to login to devices after their initial login by utilizing a cached credential model. If users are not able to connect to the internet but need to login to their computer, this can be accomplished by utilizing the local login option at the login window.
Users will be aware they are not connected to the internet when they see the banner text below the login window indicating "Your Mac is not connected to a network. Try using local login"
Click Local Login
Type the NetID (without the @uwosh.edu suffix) and type the password in the fields provided and press the return key
The computer will login and return to the normal user desktop provided the NetID and password entered match the previously cached credentials.