Wireless - Resolving Titan Wifi Connection Issues with UW Oshkosh owned macOS devices

This document will explain the steps necessary to resolve failed connection issues with UW Oshkosh owned macOS devices.


When attempting to connect to Titan WiFi, the menubar item for WiFi flashes on and off and fails to ever make a solid connection, or the device shows a message that it failed to connect. The Titan WiFi guest network and ethernet may work.

Typical Symptoms of this issue

Resolution Instructions

  1. The device must be on-campus, and connected via ethernet. Wireless should also be turned off.

    Wi-Fi ON
  2. Log into the device, and open the MSC (Managed Software Center) application

  3. Click on My Items, locate Titan WiFi Machine Authentication, and click REMOVE

  4. Next search MSC for UWOAD Bind with Serial and click INSTALL

  5. Finally, search MSC for Titan WiFi Machine Authentication and click INSTALL

This entire process will take about 6-10 minutes, depending on the speed of the device and other factors. When complete, the menubar WiFi item should show a solid connection to Titan WiFi

The steps above MUST be completed while on-campus

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