Messaging Campaign

Messaging Campaign

Messaging campaigns are a great way to reach out to a group of students on a specific date(s) about things that need to do, events they could attend or for an introduction.

Create a Messaging Campaign

To complete these instructions you must have access to create messaging campaigns.

  1. Click on the Campaigns & Events icon in the navigation.



  2. The campaign window will open (the options here are based on your permissions).

  3. Click on the + Add New button under Messaging Campaigns.

    Add Messaging Campaign.png

  4. The New Messaging Campaign window will open

Define Campaign.png

Define Campaign

Campaign Information

  1. Campaign Name - Give your campaign a meaningful name.

    • Term

    • Purpose

    • Department

    • Your Initials

  2. Tracking URL - This can be used if you have a link that you want the students to click on.

    • If this is included you will see tracking metrics for the click to open rate for the specified URL.

Campaign Timing

  1. Campaign Launch Date - Choose the specific date when you want to send the campaign.

  2. Select Continue.

Select Recipients

The Advanced Search window will show and allow you to filter for the specific students that you want to send your email campaign to.

  1. You will need to designate the proper filter(s) so you get the list of students you are looking for.

  2. Click on the specific headings to expand the drawer and apply your filters.


Send to your Assigned Students

You can easily filter on your assigned students.

  1. Select the check box in front of My Students Only at the bottom of the advanced search window.

My Studnets Only.png

This will include your full list of ALL assigned students. If you are assigned to multiple students with different Relationships (i.e. Advisor, Team Lead, Team Fellow, Success Navigator, Coach, Career Advisor etc.) and you want to send to only certain student from your assigned role you will need to do the following:

  1. Click on Assigned To (to expand and show the filter fields under that drawer).

Team Lead Filter.png
  1. Select the drop down for Student has relationship.

  2. Choose your specific relationship for the students you want to send the message to (i.e. Team Lead).

  3. Click the drop down for Staff and type your name.

  4. Select your name for the list.

  1. Select the Search button when you have all of your filters applied.


  1. A list of students will show based on the filters you applied.

My List.png
  1. Verify that the students you are seeing are the correct students you would like to send the message to.

    • If this is not the correct list you will need to select Modify Search to go back and change your filters.

      Modify Search.png

  2. Check the box in front of the students you would like to send the message to.

    • Use the check box at the very top to send it to all of the students showing in your list.

      • If you have over 100 students showing you will need to click the total number link at the top of the page to include all students.

Whole list.png
  1. Click Continue.

  2. The next screen is just a verification of all the students you selected. If the list looks correct there is no need to select or do anything in this step.

    • If there are any in the list that need to be removed select the check box in front of the student name and click Actions - Remove Selected Users.

  3. Click Continue.

Compose Nudges

  1. Click on the +Add Welcome Message button.

Welcome Message.png
  1. The Add Nudge window will open.

  2. Fill in the following information.

    • Email or SMS - Choose whether your welcome message will be sent via email or SMS.

  3. Subject - Enter your subject

  4. Message - Type in your message at the left of the screen.

    • A preview of your message will show in the right side of the page.

    • If there are any links be sure to not delete them from the body of your email.

  5. Attachment - Add attachments if you have any.

  6. When complete select Save Welcome Message.


Choose when/if you would like to send additional notifications. This would be for messages that you would want to send out reminders. For example if you are sending a message regarding an item that needs to be done by a certain date you can send a nudge on a specific date before it is due.

You do not have to set any nudges if it doesn’t pertain to your email campaign purpose (i.e. for an Introduction email of who you are).

  1. Select + Add Nudge button.


  2. Follow the steps that as you did above for your welcome message.

    • Email or SMS - Choose if the nudge should be email or text

    • Enter a subject - Enter a meaningful subject

    • Enter your message - Type your specific text

    • Add attachments - Drag and drop an attachment if it pertains to your message.

  3. Send Date - Choose the specific date you would like to send the nudge

  4. Select Save Nudge.

  5. The window will now show:

    • Your welcome message with the send date

    • Your nudge message with the send date

Verify Window.png
  1. To preview/edit either message select the pencil icon to the right of the message. Additionally you can select the trash can icon to delete a nudge (you can’t delete the welcome message).

  2. If you want to schedule additional nudges select the + Add Nudge button at the top of the window.

  3. If you are through with your nudges select Continue.

Verify and Start

This window is very important.

  1. Verify that each area is correct

    • Define Campaign

    • Sender

    • Recipients

    • Welcome Message

    • Specific Nudges

  2. If anything looks wrong you will need to select the Back button and make your changes.

  3. If everything looks correct select the Start Campaign button.

Your campaign will be sent on the campaign launch date that you chose.



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