Survey Campaign

Survey Campaign

This article explains how to launch a survey campaign.

What is a Survey Campaign

A survey that can be built by one individual and can be launch by other individuals who have been granted to launch survey campaigns to survey a select group of students.

Who Can Launch a Survey Campaign

  • Staff that have been granted permissions to create survey campaigns.


How to Create a Survey Campaign

  1. Select the Campaigns and Events Campaign Button.png option in the Navigation.

  2. Select the Add New button under the Survey Campaign area.

    Add Survey Campaign.png

  3. The Define Campaign window will open.

  4. Fill in the following information:

    • Campaign Name - Give your campaign a meaningful name

      • Term + Purpose + Care Unit + Your Initials

    • Care Unit - Select the Care Unit you would like the survey campaign associated with (i.e. Team Lead = Team Lead). Otherwise select No Care Unit.

    • Term - Choose the current term

  5. Select a Survey - Click the Select Survey button.

  1. Choose the Name of the survey that you would like to send to your list of students by clicking on the button with the 3 lines Select Survey.png .

  2. Choose Select Survey.

Be sure you have selected the correct survey based on the additional details that show after selecting.

Select Correct Survey.png
  1. Review the Additional details about the survey to be sure you have selected the correct survey.

    • Internal Title:

    • Status: Started

    • Purpose:

    • External Title:

    • Questions:

  2. Start Date: Choose the date that you would like to launch the survey.

  3. End Date: Choose the date you would like the survey to end.

  4. Select Continue.

  5. The Add Recipients to Campaign window will open.

  6. Use a Student List or Choose the filters needed to get your desired results.

    Use a Student List

    • Click on the Student Information heading to expand the filters

    • Click in the Student List (In Any of These) field

    • Select the name of the student list you created for this specific survey campaign.

  7. After you have selected your list or chosen your filter(s) select the Search button.

Search Recipients.png


  1. Review your results.

    • Be sure the names that appear are the students you would expect / want to send to.

  2. Select the check box at the top of your list to select all students.

    • Check the total number selected in the bottom right corner to be sure all students are selected.

      • If you have a list of over 100 you will see a link at the top with the total that you will need to select to be sure you have selected all students.

  3. Click Continue.

Choose All Students.png
  1. The next page allows you to review the recipients and remove students if needed. Proceed to the next step if you don’t need to remove any students.

    • If you need to remove a student(s):

      • Select the check box in front of their name

      • Click on Action

      • Select Remove Selected Users

  2. Click Continue if no changes are needed to your list.

  3. The Review Survey Reminders window will show.

  4. Review the text in the Announcement and Reminders

Announcement and reminders are created by the staff who created the survey campaign template and cannot be changed by the staff launching the survey campaign.

  1. Select Continue.

  2. The Confirm and Send window will show.

  3. Review all items in this window.

  4. Select Start Campaign if everything looks correct.

  5. After the survey campaign is launched you will see a similar screen that will show you the progress of the survey response rate.


Review the Response Rate / Completion Status

After the survey has been launched you can view the response rate and students / status of completion by going back to your survey campaigns.

  1. Select the Campaigns and Events Campaign Button.png option in the Navigation.

  2. Click on Survey Campaigns.

Review Response Rate.png
  1. A list of your survey campaigns will show.

  2. Click on the name of the survey that you would like to view.

    View Survey Response.png

  3. You will see:

    • Response rate at the top

    • Name of Student / Status of them taking the Survey


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