Bonus Points - Canvas

Bonus Points - Canvas

Add extra points to an existing assignment in the gradebook

  • Open your gradebook

  • Manually add in extra points by clicking in the cell and increase the number.

Canvas directions on creating extra credit assignments

Ungraded assignments in a course not using weighted assignment groups

  • Create a new assignment, no submission, worth 0 points

  • This will place an entry in your gradebook 

  • Grade it manually in the gradebook. Because it is worth 0 points any student given points will get a bonus without docking those that didn’t take it.  

Canvas directions on creating an extra credit assignment worth 0 points.

Weighted assignment groups 

Did you know that Canvas allows you to create assignment groups totaling over 100%? 

  • Making sure you have your existing assignment groups equaling 100% 

  • Create an extra credit assignment group, call it "Extra Credit" worth 100% 

  • Put your bonus assignment into this bonus group make it 100 points.  

FSU has a great write up of this technique here


Bonus quizzes can be particularly thorny. Below are a couple options for using a quiz for bonus points.

Bonus quiz technique 1 

  • Create a quiz as normal, worth x points 

  • Students take the quiz

  • After all the students who are going to take the quiz take it

  • Change value of the quiz to 0. Canvas holds onto the points the student received in the gradebook it does replaces the grade with an icon. 

  • Go into the gradebook and click each cell with the paper icon you will see their original grade.

  • Click "enter" to give them their grade back. 

Bonus quiz technique 2

  • Create a quiz as normal, this places a column in your gradebook. This columns grade is used as a placeholder only, you will delete this quiz later. 

  • Create an ungraded assignment (as described above) 

  • Students take the quiz 

  • Go into the gradebook copy each score from the quiz into the ungraded assignment grade in the gradebook. 

  • Delete the quiz when finished. Other examples can be found here  

Other resources and tips on creating bonus points


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