Polk Library Helper App - Canvas

Polk Library Helper App - Canvas

Polk Library has integrated itself directly into Canvas to provide your students with easy access to library resources, research assistance and direct librarian contact.  For help or more information contact infodesk@uwosh.edu

How do I get started?

By default Polk Library will be visible in your navigation and will provide library resources based off of your course’s subject.  Additionally, your course will also be provided a catalog search box, librarian chat and contact information

Can I get custom library resources added?

Yes!  If you have a role other than student, you can request enhanced resources for your class.  To do this, simply click on Polk Library in your course navigation and click the blue “Request Enhanced Library Resources” button. 

In addition to a librarian setting up enhanced library resources for your course, they will also become the primary librarian contact for your course and will be available to students for research needs.

How do I add a librarian to my  course?

Though it is not required for the Polk Library application, you can embed a librarian into you Canvas course.  To do this go to your course navigation and select “People”.  Click the red +People button.  Search for the librarian and add them with the role “Course Librarian - Research”.

Can I disable Polk Library from the course navigation?

Yes.  If you go to Settings > Navigation, click on the three dots and select disable.   This will suppress it from the navigation and your students.


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