Choosing an Audio or Video Recording Tool - Canvas

Planning Your Recording

Before you choose your recording tool, make a plan. What are your goals for the video or audio recording? What does your audience need to see or hear? How much content do you have? What hardware do you have available? How dependable is your Internet connection?


Next, think about what you want to say. Write a script or an outline. If your script or outline looks like it will be more than about 10 minutes,  break it up into shorter chunks, each focused on a single topic. Short chunks allow students to jump straight to the topics they need, and they make your recordings easier to deal with if students have poor or spotty internet connections. 


Finally, see the Kaltura - Video Tips for Better Recording guide for tool-agnostic tips on preparing for your recording, getting good quality video, getting good quality audio, and post-production editing and captioning.

The Tools

Now you're ready to choose a recording tool. The following tools are enterprise offerings available to all UWS instructors through the DLE or Office 365. Individual institutions may offer additional video or audio recording options.




Support materials 

PowerPoint with voiceover 

-Built right into Office 365

-Mac or PC

-No time limit 

-Easy to update recordings

-PowerPoint: How to Add Audio to Powerpoint on Windows 10 and Mac (UW Eau Claire)

-Record a slide show with narration and slide timings (Microsoft)

Kaltura Webcam Recorder

-Browser-based; no software 

-Webcam and audio, not screen recording

-10-minute time limit recommended. Can do longer.


-Kaltura - Recording Video with -Webcam Recorder (DLE KB) 

-Kaltura: Webcam Recorder (UW Eau Claire)

Kaltura MediaSpace Go

-iOS/Android app 

-Record and upload video and audio from phone or tablet

-Kaltura - Kaltura MediaSpace Go (KMS Go) app for mobile -devices (DLE KB)

-Kaltura MediaSpace GO (Kaltura Learning Center) 

Kaltura Capture 

-Screen, webcam, and audio recording

-Mac or PC

-recommend i5 processor or better with 4 gb of free ram with all applications open. 

-20 minutes or less recommended.  Can do longer.

-Note: do not log off until upload is complete.


-Kaltura - Recording Video with Kaltura Capture (DLE KB)

-Kaltura Personal Video Capture (Kaltura)


-Online meeting tool with a recording feature

-Good for recording multiple people in different places

-Recording link opens in new tab; can't embed directly in page

-Recordings can't be edited without exporting

-Recordings hosted on Zoom servers for 120 days. For longer retention, export to Kaltura (above)

Starting a Cloud Recording (Zoom)

Cloud recording playback (Zoom)



Canvas Media Recording 

-Recording tool built into Canvas.

-Webcam and audio only. No screen recording.

-15 minutes or less recommended.

-How do I record a video using the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? (Canvas Community) 


Recording While Online

When creating the video and audio as an instructor, consider if you will create the content directly over the internet or if you want to create the content with the audio/video locally (offline) then upload the content after it is recorded.  


Instructors with a stable internet connection have several recording tools to choose from depending on their goals and the hardware they have available:  



Computer with microphone. No camera.

Computer with microphone and camera 

Smartphone or tablet

Do the students need to see your face or activity you are performing? 

Not possible with no camera 

-Kaltura Webcam Recorder
-Kaltura Capture 

-Kaltura MediaSpace Go

Do the students need to see content (.ppt or other content) plus hear your voice? 

-Kaltura Webcam Recorder
-PowerPoint with voiceover

-Kaltura Capture

-PowerPoint with voiceover 

-Kaltura MediaSpace Go

Do students need to hear your voice only? 

-Kaltura Webcam Recorder
-Canvas Media Recording

-Canvas Media Recording

-Kaltura MediaSpace Go 

Do the students need to see you demonstrate a software application? 

-Kaltura Capture

-Kaltura Capture 

-Kaltura MediaSpace Go 

Recording While Offline

If an instructor wants to create a video or audio recording locally (without an Internet connection) and then upload it to Canvas, they have fewer recording tools to choose from. Our recommendation depends on the instructor's recording goals and the hardware they have available:



Computer with microphone. No camera.

Computer with microphone and camera 

Smartphone or tablet

Do the students need to see your face or activity you are performing? 

-Record locally and upload to Kaltura or upload to Canvas 

-Record locally and upload to Kaltura or upload to Canvas


-Record locally and upload to Kaltura or upload to Canvas


Do the students need to see content (.ppt or other content) plus hear your voice? 

-PowerPoint with voiceover

-PowerPoint with voiceover 

-Record locally and upload to Kaltura or upload to Canvas


Do students need to hear your voice only? 

-PowerPoint with voiceover 

-PowerPoint with voiceover

-Record locally and upload to Kaltura or upload to Canvas