Downloading / Uploading /Updating your Grade Book As a CSV File - Canvas

If your uploading a graded CSV document into Canvas there is a mandatory format and fields that Canvas requires. My suggestion is to download your existing Canvas grade book first. The mandatory format and values that you'll need will live in that document. Make your edits to that document then upload that CSV file back into Canvas. This is how you do that.

Export Grade Book from Canvas

  • Login to Canvas

  • Select the Course you want to manage the grades of

  • Choose "Grades" from the course navigation

  • Choose "View > Export" (this process can take couple of minutes so please be patient)

  • Save the document to your computer

Open and Edit

  • Open the CSV documents in Excel.

  • You should also open your testing services report or your local Grade Book. You want to see them both at the same time.

  • Carefully examine the report and add the grade each student received to the Grade Book spreadsheet. CAUTION: It's possible for order the students appear in your local version to be different than order from the Grade Book. So make sure each student get the correct grade!

  • DO NOT alter any fields except for the graded fields

  • Save the document

Upload into Canvas

  • Login to Canvas

  • Select the Course you want to manage the grades of

  • Choose "Grades" from the course navigation

  • Choose "View > Import" (this process can take a couple of minutes so please be patient)

Further Reading

Canvas: Upload Changes to the Gradebook